GoPay payment gateway

GoPay is the largest online payment provider of Czech origin. The annual volume of intermediated payments is in billions of CZK. Currently, more than 11,000 merchants use the GoPay payment gateway not only in the Czech Republic, but throughout Central Europe.

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GoPay is the largest online payment provider of Czech origin. The annual volume of intermediated payments is in billions of CZK. Currently, more than 11,000 merchants use the GoPay payment gateway not only in the Czech Republic, but throughout Central Europe.

List of payment methods for the CZ market

Payment method Online Offline CZK EUR CZ market share
payment cards 58 %
online banking buttons 27 %
bank transfers 10 %
mobile payments 1 %
electronic wallets 0,9 %
coupon payments 3 %
payments in bitcoins 0,1 %

Detailed overview of payment methods provided

Payment cards

Payment by credit card is the most popular payment method in the Internet environment. We offer support for all of the most widely used card associations, including extensive support for accompanying functionality such as recurring payments and pre-authorization.


  • is one of the online payment methods,
  • fast transaction processing with confirmation of payment receipt,
  • high security,
  • ease of use,
  • 3D Secure.

List of supported card associations:

Supported payment cards Payment confirmation Payment Entry


online 24/7
me_brand_png 90x6.png online 24/7
vbm_blugrad006.png online 24/7
visa_pos_electron_fc_lg_03.png online 24/7
ms_vrt_opt_pos_73_1x.png online 24/7

Online payment buttons

This is a popular bank payment with a pre-filled payment order. Payment is made online and always within the same banking institution. We offer support from most of the largest Czech banking houses.


  • immediate payment of the amount,
  • one-click payment,
  • pre-populated payment order,
  • elimination of incorrect payment order entry,
  • payment from your own internet banking.

List of supported banks:

Supported online payment buttons Payment confirmation Payment Entry Pre-filled payment order


online 24/7 yes
komerčka.png online 24/7 yes
mbank.png online 24/7 yes
fio.png online 24/7 yes
platba24.png online 24/7 yes
uni.png online 24/7 yes
online 24/7 yes
online 24/7 yes

Bank transfers

Ordinary bank transfer is still a very popular payment method. Thanks to our own GoPay banking network (with selected large Czech banks), we offer you a regular bank transfer with fast confirmation of the payment (usually within one hour). Payment can be made at any time, but is processed during the bank's business hours listed in the table below.


  • fast payment confirmation,
  • payment from your own internet banking,
  • popular payment method.

List of supported banks:

Supported bank transfers Payment confirmation Enter payment Pre-filled payment order
moneta-money-bank-logo.png within 1 hour* 8am - 6pm, working day no
uni.png within 1 hour* 8 am - 6 pm, working day no
fio.png within 1 hour* 8 am - 6 pm, working day no
česká-spořitelna.png within 1 hour* 8 am - 6 pm, working day no
within 1 hour* 8 am - 6 pm, working day no
airbank.png within 24 hours** 8 am - 6 pm, working day no
equa.png within 24 hours** 8 am - 6 pm, working day no
within 24 hours** 8 am - 6 pm, working day no
sberbank.png within 24 hours** 8 am - 6 pm, working day no
ing-bank.png within 24 hours** 8 am - 6 pm, working day no
expobank-logo-2-thumb.png within 24 hours** 8 am - 6 pm, working day no
Oberbank logo1.png within 24 hours** 8 am - 6 pm, working day no
vub_banka_logo1.png within 24 hours** 8 am - 6 pm, working day no

* on average within 1 hour, maximum transaction confirmation time 24 hours
** on average within 24 hours, maximumtransaction confirmation time up to 3 working days

Mobile payments

Mobile payments allow you to make payments from your own mobile phone. Payments are debited from the prepaid card credit or added to the bill for tariff clients. Mobile payments are very practical for smaller payments. Payment can be made at any time with an online payment guarantee.


  • making a payment from your own mobile phone,
  • debiting or crediting your prepaid credit to your invoice for the services you use,
  • suitable for payment of smaller amounts.

List of supported payment methods:

Supported mobile payments Payment confirmation Payment Entry
Premium SMS online 24/7
mPayment online 24/7

Electronic wallets

Electronic wallets are the future of payments. They offer a convenient alternative to regular bank accounts and are mainly used for the payment of smaller and medium-sized amounts. It is a progressive payment method in an online environment that allows registered customers to make online payments in a convenient and secure manner without having to provide personal and financial information.


  • immediate payment of the amount,
  • suitable for small and medium sums,
  • alternative to a bank account,
  • easy to use.

List of supported payment methods:

Supported e-wallets Payment confirmation Payment Entry

online 24/7


online 24/7
online 24/7
online 24/7

Coupon payments

Coupon payments offer a cash or prepaid payment method for the purchase of goods and services through a network of payment terminals. These are payment methods with a defined spending amount.


  • for customers who do not use the internet,
  • high security,
  • no internet connection required,
  • cash payment.

List of supported payment methods:

Supported coupon payments Payment confirmation Enter payment
paysafecard.png online 24/7

Payments in bitcoins

The virtual currency bitcoin is gaining more and more fans around the world and in the Czech Republic. The advantage of accepting bitcoins is the immediate crediting of payment to your account and the easy convertibility into any currency in the world.


  • immediate crediting of the payment to the account,
  • easy exchangeability,
  • growing interest.

Basic information about bitcoin payments:

Supported payments Payment confirmation Enter payment
logo bitcoin.png online 24/7
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Příkop 843/4
60200 Brno
Czech republic
Business Reg. No.: 09810994
VAT ID: CZ09810994
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